Virtualization troubles: 3 common pitfalls

Implementing a virtualized data storage solution at your business is no small feat. It’s a complicated process that requires immense amounts of technical expertise. Unfortunately, getting it up and running is only half the battle. For the most efficient solution possible, watch out for the three most common management issues outlined in this post.

Considerations for large-scale AWS migration

Managed IT services providers recommend virtualization not because it is an IT business trend that everyone simply must ride, but because it is, quite, a smart way of managing your IT resources. Your organization needs to be more efficient and should be willing to move to the cloud to achieve it.

Containers Vs. VMs: performance variations

When containers were first implemented, the idea was to provide users a way to deploy applications without the need to open a new virtual machine, thereby saving resources and time. Since the advent of Docker the container trend has turned into an obsession with developers, which begs the question: How long until containers replace the […]

The pros and cons of vSpace Pro 10

One of the newest and potentially most innovative virtual desktop platforms for businesses is vSpace 10 Pro, which has recently been released. If you are considering transitioning your business over to this new business tool, you will first want to get to know some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of vSpace 10 Pro.

Understanding virtualization containers

The evolution of software containers has changed the way virtual computing is realized. It has diminished the risks of malware and the trouble of portability by allowing software vendors to package their products into virtual containers that can run from any desktop machine, regardless of hardware of operating system.