Don’t be a victim of watering hole attacks

With cybercriminals continuously developing new ways to infiltrate networks and steal user data, it is more crucial than ever to stay one step ahead of these perpetrators. Protect yourself from one of the most common methods that cybercriminals use to inject malware into computers: watering hole attacks.

These 5 types of hackers are a threat to SMBs

Malicious hackers are motivated by different things. Some do it for fun, some want money, and others just want to end your business. Getting to know how they behave and what drives them informs how you must defend your organization against them. Script kiddies In terms of skill, script kiddies (or skids, for short) are […]

Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers

Social media phishing attacks are on the rise, with Facebook being one of the most commonly impersonated brands. Hackers are now employing more sophisticated tactics to steal personal data from social media users. To keep your data safe from them, heed our reminders and tips to strengthen your privacy settings and keep bad actors away.

Affordable ways to safeguard your Android device

While Android devices are prone to hundreds of different cybersecurity threats, protecting your Android device doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. If you don’t want to spend a great deal of money on security, this guide will help you safeguard your Android phone or tablet without breaking the bank.

Simple steps to protect data in the cloud

Small- and medium-sized businesses can’t afford a data breach. According to IBM’s 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report, a single breach can cost organizations $3.86 million on average. Be proactive in making sure your data is safe in the cloud, so you don’t have to spend a huge amount mitigating a breach.

Avoid these 5 bad business security practices

Many small- and mid-sized businesses struggle to protect their data, often neglecting a critical component in their security strategy. If your organization still follows one or more of these bad security practices, correct them as soon as possible. Open wireless networks With just one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, an entire […]