Schedule meetings with Microsoft FindTime

The art of organizing a meeting is much like chess. Each player has different possible moves, or availabilities; and it’s up to you to strategize which pieces to move where, or which events to schedule (or reschedule) when. The objective is to land on a square wherein all participants can attend, but achieving this goal […]

Virtualize your network with telecom giants

Although merely mentioning the word ‘virtualization’ has the power to make people’s eyes glaze over, its value and relevance can’t be denied. Since VMware first launched their workstation client in 1999, the industry has seen steady expansion and engulfed a number of legacy network solutions.

6 smart ways to gain more storage on Android

“Insufficient storage available”, we all dread to see this message popping up right before taking a picture or installing a new app. Limited storage on Android device is frustrating to say the least. But it doesn’t have to be if you know how to manage storage space wisely.

How to solve these six Window 10 problems

There’s no such thing as perfection. This is especially true for Windows 10. While it’s highly praised for the removal of annoying functions in the previous Windows, still, there are a number of new issues to address: from the Window Updates that don’t function properly to the disappearance of the DVD player app.

Free decryption tools fight ransomware

Similar to the shakedowns you see in mob movies where innocent shop owners are forced to pay “protection money,” deploying ransomware is a means of extortion. Computer hackers install it on your network to seize control of your company’s precious confidential data, then demand payment for its safe return.

How HaaS will benefit your business

Hardware maintenance and upgrades can consume a big sum of your business’ time and money. But with Hardware-as-a-Service (HaaS), a solution in which you pay a Managed Services Provider a subscription fee and let them take care of all your hardware-related issues, including upgrades, maintenance, and management, you can be sure of your hardware functionality […]