We live in an era of ramped up cyber criminality. Nowadays, attackers don’t just target big corporations and businesses, they also target individuals, so you should use every resource to protect your data. One excellent example is biometrics authentication in mobile devices.
Leverage your mobile device’s biometrics authentication capabilities
Mobile phone biometrics enhances security
Constantly using passwords on a smartphone can be a pain, not to mention a high security risk. Luckily, popular mobile browsers like Chrome and Firefox Lite are now supporting biometrics for authentication to make logging in to social media, email, and online shopping accounts easier and more secure.
Biometrics Authentication for Mobile Devices
Having to use passwords constantly can be a pain (and a high security risk) to many of us. Luckily, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox have recently agreed to support biometrics for authentication to make our social media, email, and shopping account logins easier and more secure.
Why you shouldn’t write off Firefox
Mozilla, the creator of Firefox, has spent some time and energy on projects that ended up going nowhere. But this time , they seem to have found their focus. No, it’s not on their built-in video chat service or mobile phone OS, but rather something that should’ve been obvious to them, their most successful product, […]
Chrome 57 comes with some serious upgrades
More than half of all internet users browse the web with Google’s Chrome browser. So when a new version is released, that’s a pretty big deal. And even by Chrome standards, the most recent improvements make some big changes. Three upgrades stand out in particular.