The risks posed by Windows 10 bloatware

Have you bought a new PC or laptop recently? Don’t be too impressed by so-called value-added pre-installed software, as these take up storage space and use up processing power. More than this, a new report shows that free trial versions of browser toolbars, video games, and antivirus programs can make you vulnerable to cybersecurity threats.

Android: Comparing Office 365 and Google Apps

There are so many variables to consider when choosing a software solution, especially now that cloud-based options run on mobile devices. If you’re choosing between Office 365 and Google Apps for productivity software, understanding what they’re capable of on an Android phone or tablet could make the choice much easier.

Hangouts Meet vs. Skype for Business

IDG Enterprise says that businesses worldwide spent $3.5 billion on video conferencing apps in 2016. That’s a lot but also money well spent, especially if it helps with your employees’ productivity and collaboration. Some of these video conferencing apps are Hangouts Meet and Skype for Business.

Workplace Analytics evaluates employees’ productivity

Measuring productivity is an important process in an employee’s performance evaluation. Previously, Microsoft’s Office 365 had MyAnalytics, a tool for employees to monitor their own performance. But Microsoft improved on it with Workplace Analytics, which now allows managers to also view and evaluate their staff’s productivity.