Got a new Apple MacBook? Here’s how you can set it up properly

Tailor your MacBook experience to your unique preferences with our simple setup guide, where we’ll cover the basics, such as creating your Apple ID and customizing your desktop. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a first-time Mac user, this guide will help you make the most of your new MacBook. Go through the basics When […]

Must-try Windows 11 customization features

Windows 11, the newest operating system from Microsoft, is a breath of fresh air for PC users. Designed to provide a personalized experience, it offers many ways to change your PC’s interface, from how windows look to how apps can be accessed. Here are some Windows 11 customization features that will give you more control […]

Safeguard your social media accounts from hackers

Social media phishing attacks are on the rise, with Facebook being one of the most commonly impersonated brands. Hackers are now employing more sophisticated tactics to steal personal data from social media users. To keep your data safe from them, heed our reminders and tips to strengthen your privacy settings and keep bad actors away.

Setting up your brand-new MacBook

When setting up your new MacBook, it’s important not to rush through the setup process. Otherwise, you might miss out on several key steps that will help make you get the most out of it. Here’s a guide to setting up your MacBook, plus some useful tweaks to further improve its performance.

Personalize your Windows PC with these tips

Just like its predecessors, Windows 10 is designed to provide a personalized experience to its users. It offers many ways in which you can change your PC’s interface — how it looks, and even how it can be accessed. Here are some Windows 10 customization features you have to try.

Boost the privacy of your iPhone’s texts

If you’re an iPhone user who’s always on the go, you may be texting sensitive information on a daily basis. One small mistake could have a negative impact on friends, family, or your business. To ensure that doesn’t happen, here are three easy steps to keep your iPhone text messages private.

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them.

Top features in Windows 10 May 2019 Update

The first major Windows 10 update in 2019 started rolling out in late May, and it is packed with a raft of tools and apps to enhance user experience as well as productivity and efficiency. Here are some of the most notable changes that come with the update.

5 Tips for customizing a new iPad

Whether you purchased an iPad for personal use or for work, there are several things you need to configure when setting it up. But who wants to waste time aimlessly browsing the menus in the Settings app? Take care of the five most important configurations quickly so you can move on to the fun stuff! […]