Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away. Lock screens exist for a reason Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them.

4 ways to delete your smartphone data

Smartphones hold sensitive data such as financial information, confidential emails, and contact details that you wouldn’t want falling into the wrong hands. To wipe data from your old phone, do the following: 1. Encrypt your Android phone Ensure that strangers don’t have access to your private data by encrypting it to make it unreadable.

Why jailbreaking your iPad is a bad idea

The big idea behind jailbreaking an iPad is to go around the restrictions Apple imposes on how you can use and control your device. Jailbreaking your iPad can be a rewarding experience, as it boosts your device’s functionality in many ways. However, it does have some serious disadvantages that you should consider before you decide to […]

Tips and tricks to prevent watering hole attacks

Hackers are getting creative nowadays with their illicit activities, which means the onus is on computer users to take steps to protect their computers. The first step to staying ahead of the game is by learning more about cyberattacks. Here are some pointers to help you deal with oneway criminals steal data: watering hole attacks.

Do more with Office 365

You’ve probably purchased Office 365 to be more productive, but things haven’t turned out well. Don’t feel bad since it’s not too late; here’s what you can do. Get the staff aboard To maximize your company’s productivity with Office 365, make sure that every employee with a computer uses it.

Guarding your company’s data

Some of the most well-known companies in the world have been victims of cyberattacks, including Sony Pictures, Home Depot, Adobe, and eBay. While major corporations are high-profile targets for hackers, small- and medium-sized businesses are not exempt, so they need to secure their networks and data.

Get ahead of cybersecurity with these basic IT terms

If you just called a malware a “virus,” then you are definitely being left behind in digital talk. Knowing a few IT things here and there not only enables you to have some rapport with your tech-savvy colleagues, but it also helps you have a better understanding of some basic IT know-how.